This is a recipe by Dr. Scott of the Brewing Network for a Belgian Wit. I've never made a Wit, but I've made a Saison that is similar in spicing. This should be lighter in color and alcohol content than the Saison, but have a little more flavor and bite from the acid malt.
5.5 lb Belgian Wheat
2 lb American Six-Row
1 lb Oats (Flaked)
0.13 lb German Acid Malt
.5 oz.Northern Brewer (7% AA) @ 90 minutes
.25 oz. Saaz (3.8% AA) @ 30 minutes
.25 oz. Saaz (3.8% AA) @ 5 minutes
Extras added to the boil:
0.5 oz crushed coriander, 0 minutes
0.25 oz Curacao (sweet) orange peel, 0 minutes
0.25 oz Valencia (bitter) orange peel, 0 minutes
0.50 Oz Chamomile, 0 minutes
1 tbsp. flour, 0 minutes
White Labs WLP410 Belgian Wit II
OG: 1.047
FG: 1.012
ABV%: 4.74
SRM: 3.3
IBU: 14.75
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