Sunday, April 5, 2009

kleines Schwein Weizenbeir (Little Pig Wheat Beer)

Here is the beer plan for Good Friday. Good Friday indeed!

4.75 # Malteries Franco-Belges Pale Wheat
4 # Pilsen

1 oz. Hallertau Mittelfruh @ 60 min.

Dry yeast Safbrew WB-06

This will be brewed with the assistance of Jim Ziegelmeyer, a real life chemical engineer!

I can see that the naming beer after farmhouse animals is going to continue. I guess my fictional brewery would be Farmhand Brewing Co.


John Utech said...

Can't you put 'goat' in the name? Nothing makes me think of great beer more than goats. (I've hijacked John's user name....again).

William Nordmann said...

If you use the name goat it needs to bock, thats the tradition.